Pebbles and stones for landscaping

ROUND PEBBLES for Landscaping


Peabbles for landscaping, in 3 differente colors (size 15-25 mm) suitable to build walkways, mulching and decoration of planters

.CIOTTOLO BIANCOSassone-rosso-verona-smallCio-Nero-Ebano-1-small

Packaged items

Code Article Confection ean code Pieces per pallet
051054020058 CIOTTOLO BIANCO KG 20 8032679609569 54
051054020059 CIOTTOLO ROSSO KG 20 8032679609521 54
051054020060 CIOTTOLO VERDE KG 20 8032679609484 54
051054020061 CIOTTOLO NERO KG 20 8032679609446 54